Equalities Subject Matter Expert
Lynn has been appointed as an equalities subject matter expert to a variety of projects. By collaborating with organisations, she provided tailored resources to address systemic barriers, foster representation, and ensure meaningful participation for all.
BCTG Construct, 2017-2018
Lynn co-designed an e-learning module on equalities for site supervisors and created recorded video content. Construction can be a challenging sector to gain gain buy-in for equalities, thus Lynn focused on conveying key information in a tone that the audience would resonate with. Have a look at these videos to see this in action.
She later was asked to join the National Construction Advisory Board and continues to be an ambassador for women in STEM. She has been featured in STEM Glasgow.
Equalities Subject Matter Expert - BCTG Construct Intro (2017)
Equalities Subject Matter Expert - BCTG Construct Example Module Video (2017)
Lynn joined See Me, the national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, for 4 months to review their e-learning offer and collate information on the current offerings around mental health and inclusion training in Scotland. This involved desk-based research, working with networks and collaborating with colleagues to bring together a variety of information and convey this, with insights and suggested improvements, to relevant parties.