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‘Visiting Time: Poems, essays and stories from behind the walls of HMP Shotts’, Stewart Ennis (editor)

What’s it about:

I’m stealing this from Goodreads because it is a glorious description: ‘From the inmates of Shotts prison, an accretion of voices not unlike the sounds erupting from the fiddles, flutes and guitars of musicians you might find playing in a Glasgow bar, only these disparate voices are not musical. Instead, a finely-tuned array of words expressing thoughts and emotions procured from their writers' time in prison’.


What Lynn learned:

  • There’s loads of queues in prison and it sounds incredibly frustrating (a poem sums this experience up more eloquently).

  • Illiteracy is a challenge for prisoners and even with the offer of education classes it can be challenging to engage in.

  • Expression from inmates is an illuminating way to really feel the reality of prison and the various ways it affects our complex human lives.

  • I love reading Glasgow-words and expressions – it makes me feel connected to a community and more passionate about getting justice for people.

  • The humour from prisoners that seeps through the writing really sticks with you.


Fave quotes:

  • ‘The judge sez ‘yer bad’/ ah sez ‘ahm no’/ The judge sez ‘yer bad’/ ah sez ‘ahm no!’/ The judge sez ‘yer bad’/ ah sez ‘ahm no!’/ the judge f***** won’ (p.53)

  • ‘There was a wee man frae Crewe/On tip toe he stood two ft two / Don’t make fun o’ his size / This wouldne’ be wise, / This wee man knows ju-jitsu.’ (p.70)

  • The Cathkin Braes – ‘this is where me and ma pals wid come / when ah was a wean / fields fu’ a’ colour / trees all staunin in line / green fields n bracken / wee streams running this wey n that / paths twisting and turnin. / walkin aimless for oors oan end / listenin tae aw the birdsongs / an me / jist breathin it aw in’ (p. 104)


Why relevant right now:

These insights will definitely encourage us to reflect on how our justice system is operating and calls for us to consider the impact of prison on a human’s life.


Interest factor: 3/5

Coffee table cred: 3/5

Ignorance of external world while reading: 4/5

Book cover design: 2/5

Help the existential crisis: 2/5